Cade's Garden

Hey Hai!! Welcome :3

A drawing of a brown and cream colored cat with long black hair in a patterned button up sitting

My name is Cade and welcome to my website! This is my main place to share all the things that interest me as well as my art and characters too! I have become pretty active on here and am always adding new things to this page.

A drawing of a brown and cream colored cat with long black hair in a patterned button up sitting

You can click on any of the pages to learn more about a specific area you might be curious about or to check things out! Feel free to customize the site options to your content!

Art Fight 2024

Team Seafoam!!!

I am once again participating in Art Fight this year!! This will be my 6th year participating in the event so I am very excited and looking foward to attacking new people ^^ ! You can find a link to my profile below!

I also have a hitlist form up for anyone to fill out if they'd like. I will try my best to get through my list but I may not get to everyone!! If I don't this year I may try for the following year

Art Fight Profile

Hitlist Form

my profile card for art fight 2024 showing my team, seafoam, and a selection of featured characters

Site Rating: Teen: 13+

Click to expand for more info

Site Contains: mild/occassional swearing, micro blog posts may touch on more mature/difficult issues/topics (content warnings will be provided), and artistic nudity (no genitalia is shown just nips). There is no NSFW/suggestive/very graphic content on here