Cade's Garden: Credit
Site Credit
Note: I am only including assets here that I can trace back credit to, if you know of who created anything in my Graphics page please let me know either in my guestbook, email, or neocities page! I always like to try linking back credit to assets if I know who created them
There is a large amount of gifs on this page. If you would prefer to view a version of this page with graphics (Including gifs) hidden you can find it here
Coding Credit
Template - NENRIKIDO (Modified Version of the Raindow Page Theme)Style Switcher - Kalechips
Font Selector - Punkwasp
Guestbook - Virtual Observer
Gallery - netfriend
Please let me know if you have made any of these (stamps, buttons,favicons) and would like me to link back credit to you! All assets that I can trace back credit to will take you to the creator of them once you click on them.
Font Credit
Open DyslexicAtkinson Hyperlegible
Background Credit
I modified the backgrounds slightly by bluring them and adding a noise overlay but these are the sources of the original photos!
Hanyang Zhang - Unsplash (Light Theme Background)Danijel Bosnjak - Unsplash (Dark Theme Background)
Yuki Yoshida - Unsplash (Pure White Theme Background)
Fabrizio Conti - Unsplash (Pure Black Background)
Mick Haupt - Unsplash (Pink Theme Background)
Jonny Gios - Unsplash (Yellow Theme Background)
Jen Theodore - Unsplash (Red Theme Background)


Fan Buttons

Fursona Graphics
Graphics by other people of my fursona! Any not shown here are by me

Other Graphics
These don't fit into any specific category; image collections from the shrines pages will not be here as credit is linked on those pages


My Graphics
These are graphics that I have made! fell free to use these with or without credit I dont mind!