Cade's Garden: Every Game I've Owned/Played

Pixel art of a wii remote
List of games i've played or owned at one point!

I've been playing games for basically my entire life, some of my earliest memories are related to playing various games on my parents computer and the day I got my first ever game console. They've shapped so much about me to the point that I would love to persue a future career in visual development in the games field. I felt that naturally it would only be fair to compile a list of nearly every game I have owned/played at one point. Obviously I can't include or remember everything I have ever played/owned but this is as close to a comprehensive list that I can put together as possible

I have organized my list based on my current consoles/platforms I use to play games on at the top and everything else below that. A good chunk of these games I simply just haven't gotten around to yet due to time but I would love to eventually! Some platforms may have a line dividing up the games I played as a kid to games I play currently as well! Also for many of the older consoles on here, a lot of the titles in those lists were played via an emulator. I am of the belief that if you don't have the original hardware theres no harm in emulating titles. This list serves as a love letter to gaming and I am a firm believer in preserving games and the platforms they were able to be played on, if you can't find the original hardware or games there's no harm in looking elsewhere to engage in these experiences.

I will update this list as I recieve or start playing a new game/console! Unless stated otherwise, most of these lists are not organized in any particular order

a photo of switch

Switch Games

The switch is my main console I use to play games on so as a result this list is much larger than the others. I put my top 3 games I've played at the top of the list, the rest are in no particular order

a photo of a surface book 3 laptop

Current PC Games

My computer is my 2nd spot that I use to play games on, though because it's not that powerful (it's just a high end laptop at the end of the day) I don't play a whole lot on here but I've tried to organize this mostly by hour's played

a photo of a wiiu

WiiU Games

I am one of the 3 people with a WiiU! Though as a kid I mostly used it to just play my existing Wii library, I still use it occasionally for the HD versions of the 2 TLOZ games below but thats about it. The divider seperates games I played as a kid but haven't touched since

a photo of a wii

Wii Games

The Wii was my first console! That will either make you feel really old or really young but it's the truth. As a result everything below is mostly just my childhood game collection. If I do ever buy some other Wii Games I wanna try out I will proabably divide up this section. Currently it is organized by my personal attachement to these games

a photo of an xbox 360

Xbox 360 Games

I had an Xbox 360 for roughly a month and a half and then I got robbed. They took my Xbox 360 but not my games or Kinnect, hm wonder why that was..

a photo of a gamecube

Gamecube Games

I didn't grow up with a Gamecube but my cousin's had one so I played a few of these on their gamecube! The rest via emulation

a photo of an n64

N64 Games

Similar to my expiernce with the gamecube, this was a console my cousins had that they would let me play on or watch them play occasionally as a kid (Most noteably Majora's Mask and Mario Party 3). Everything else here was played via an emulator

a photo of a blue and black original 3DS

3DS Games

Despite being given a 3DS as a kid I barely used it. I do play on it occasionally but I don't have a very strong attachment to it

a photo of an original DS

DS Games

Never had a DS or DSI so these were played on am emulator

A photo of a purpl egameboy advance

Gameboy Games

Never had a Gameboy, these are games I have emulated

A drawing of the original club penguin map

Browser Game Sites & MMO's

I am a child of the 2000's, its only fair that I have an extensive list of online browser game sites and MMO's that I played. Nowadays I don't really play on many browser sites besides Chicken Smoothie but they were definitely a foundational part of my childhood

a photo of a pink ipod touch 5th gen

Mobile Games

I don't really play mobile games anymore (I have a handful on my phone and iPad that you can see below) so most of these are games I used to play on my old iPod touch and first phone! Everything below the line are games from my iPod touch and first phone

a photo of a black 2000's PC with monitor and speakers

Old PC Games

Before I got a wii I played games soley on my parents computer. These naturally ended up being games I am super nostalgic for, some probably rival my top most played games ever (especially Zoo Tycoon 2). I also added a few "edutainment" games I remembered playing too here (Below the line) since I figured it would be worth it to include nonetheless


Note: many of these require JavaScript to function. Click to expand.

a gif of a brown and white striped kitten relaxing in a mesh hammock