
Cade's Garden: 2022 Gallery

A collection of my favorite drawings from each month of 2022!

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Nearly all images on this page do not have alt text yet. you can learn more about why/when this will be updated here!

2022 was around the time I started getting pretty experimental with various styles ands the techniques I used in a lot of my pieces. I started trying out creating some fairly simple animated pieces this year too in addition to experimenting more with my shading/rendering both with painted and non-painted pieces. Gradient maps and using gaussian blur were also things I tried using for the first time this year. There's not much else I can really say about 2022 as it was also a bit light in terms out my art output but I remember really enjoying many of the pieces I created during this time!

The pieces below are organized from December closest to the top and January closest to the bottom! If you spot a piece you would like to view just click on the drawing and you will be able to view the full image! You're able to zoom in or zoom out as you wish and can cycle through all drawings in this collection

Favorite Drawing of the Year



Digital Painting based on the music video for Tomcat Disposables by Will Wood

Favorite Pieces From Each Month

Click on a drawing to view the full image!

- December -
A drawing of my main fursona Cade I made to practice using gradient maps
- November -
Commission for Smol_blue_fox on Instagram
- October -
Stylized icon of my main fursona Cade
- September -
Animated pagedoll of my main fursona Cade
(Click the drawing to see the animation!)
- August -
Matt Murdock drawover for Ghxstfacevada
- July -
Art Fight attack for Cryptidcassette
- June -
Commission for Skelesaturn
- May -
Digital Painting based on the music video for Tomcat Disposables by Will Wood
- April -
Bust drawing of my character Pablo
- March -
Omori styled animated icon of my main fursona Cade
(Click the drawing to see the animation!)
- February -
Digital painting of a bootleg Omori plush
- January -
Bust drawing of my main fursona Cade


Note: many of these require JavaScript to function. Click to expand.

a gif of a brown and white striped kitten relaxing in a mesh hammock